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Welcome to Score Booster!


I am Rachit Bansal (You can read my resume here) and I have been observing many students have lack of guidance for preparing for their crucial exams. The students do not know what to do and therefore they are not able to show their complete potential. 


Therefore, I have created Score Booster to help students from different fields. Score Booster have people from top leading institutes and you cannot go wrong if you have support of them. 


Score Booster would be having regular publishing of articles by the experts for various exams and these articles would help you set your steps on the right path. Score Booster mainly focuses on education and overall growth of students. Score Booster even tries to touch topics which are ignored my many other people like motivation, physical and mental health and all the problems which a student faces. 


Our Vision is to help a lot of students and provide as much as possible facilities for them as the journey begins. 



Long Train Ride
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